JOY! and Purse Organizer

I’m not a huge Christmas decorator, but this morning, I got this up:


The wooden JOY letters were done by the incredibly creative and talented Deb who has two   blogs

The letters are hanging in my entryway.  After Christmas, they will come down, and I’m hoping to do something similar with the word “Welcome”, minus the little feet, of course.


I’m thinking of decoupaging some fabric on these.  These chipwood letters were only 99 cents each so I won’t feel so bad practicing on them if it doesn’t work out so well. 


I also made something!  I’ve seen some purse organizers around in blogland, but didn’t really think I’d use one.  Sure, I have a lot of purses, but I only transfer 5 things with each purse change.  Can it get much easier than that?  The answer is YES.  It can be a lot easier. 


The lovely English fabric is from Monica and this is the perfect project for it because I get to see it everyday!  The cute little pink notebook with the mixer on the front is from Cindy


I sewed the pockets to fit my items exactly.  You roll it up and it holds all your stuff to transfer from purse to purse with ease.  Kimberly has a tutorial on this.  If you’d like a copy, you can download it from here.

This post makes me realize that the fabric of my life is becoming more and more intertwined with threads from my blogging friends.  And the fabric is richer for it!  Happy American Thanksgiving, y’all!

30 thoughts on “JOY! and Purse Organizer

  1. Okay I love the Joy display! Great idea. I did something a little similar using artist canvas boards and big letters cut from canvas. I really like that frame idea.

    Your purse organizer came out great!

  2. I have been thinking for oh, like, six months that I needed to make one of these. I can NEVER find my phone when it is ringing. Really must make one. Yours looks fab. And I love what you said about the intertwining life and blog friends. Too true.
    Cheers! And Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Linda! I absolutely LOVE what you did with the letters. So clever and makes such a statement. I’m so glad you like them. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you come up with on the welcome letters.

  4. I definitely need a purse organizer. I’ve seen these around for a while, but never thought I’d need/use one. I’m learning never to use the word “never” 😉

  5. The “JOY” letters are very cute. I think decoupaging the other letters will be very cute. I can’t wait to see the results.

    And a darn cute purse organizer with darn cute fabric!!!!

  6. What a cute purse organizer Linda! What really caught my eye was your red & aqua wallet! OMG… I must have one! Where did you get it? (If you don’t mind me asking) :o)

  7. those letters deb made are awesome, and i love how you put them in frames.

    and that purse organizer is awesome. i’m going to get the tutorial now! thanks!

    and happy thanksgiving!

  8. These are some great ideas! I especially like the letters…and now I have a great idea for what to do on the big, blank wall on the landing of our staircase, where the steps make a u-turn!

  9. Love the letters for Christmas and love the idea of changing them to Welcome afterwards.
    Wish I had an entry….
    Love the purse organiser too. Need a back pack to carry it all.

  10. The “JOY” is beautiful! Very Martha.

    I’m not really an organizer-type person but if I was, I would definitely make one of the purse organizers! Yours turned out great.

  11. Linda, I love the purse organizer! I just bought the cutest tote from a friend who made them for an adoption fund raiser. It has no pockets, so now I know what to do! And yes be glad you didn’t do any craft shows this year. I am going crazy trying to catch up afterwards!

  12. Linda,

    Do you sell your purse organizers. Unfortunately, I can’t sew and was hoping I could purchase one from you. I’m looking for a solid black or brown organizer that has a pocket large enough to hold a travel coffee mug.


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