Travel Diaries: Signage in Taipei

This poor blog has been neglected. Please forgive me as I am half way around the world at the moment. We’ve been here a week and it has been HOT. I’ve started putting my thoughts on a little Taipei travel blog and here’s what I posted over there today:

Taipei has many, many signs – most of which are relatively normal. But every once in a while I’ll come across one that just cracks me up. Usually there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it is so out of the ordinary for me that it makes me laugh. Below are a few of those.


Taken at the penguin exhibit at the Taipei Zoo. They want us to be quiet.

Know the poo.

Also from the Taipei Zoo. There is a “Know the Poo” exhibit in the bathroom area that shows the different sizes of poo of different zoo animals. It seems highly unlikely that an exhibit like that would be approved of in a US zoo, but I’m not sure why. There’s nothing wrong with it, right?


Again, nothing wrong with this sign. Taken in the women’s restroom on the observation deck of Taipei 101, the world’s 2nd tallest building. Message: Women, please don’t hover and make a mess. Thanks.

No UrinatingTaken at the enterance to Dahu park in Neihu district, Taipei. Again, a perfectly fine message, right? But this one really cracks me up! I, for one, am glad that the urinating man is standing right where he is.

Apparently potty humor makes me laugh.  Sorry to those of you out there who don’t  find it amusing.  I’ll be back to crafty posts in about a month.

20 thoughts on “Travel Diaries: Signage in Taipei

  1. Thank you for sharing these signs! I *adore* potty humor. In fact, I think I want to print copies of these signs and display them in my bathroom! 🙂

  2. I lived in Korea for 15 months and I thought it was hilarious that they seemed to really be into poo. I bought lots of stationery that had spaghettin in the shape of poo, ice cream (Baskin Robbins, no less) in the shape of poo and all sorts of other stuff. Complete with flies and everything. And the signs, oh my, I have many, many pictures of the hilarious signs.

    • Maybe it’s an Asian thing? You know, I think in the US it’s just culturally inappropriate to talk about such things, let alone put pictures up regarding the whole #2 thing. 🙂 I can totally see the flies as making the whole image more cute. Everything around here is very cute.

  3. Omg, I laughed so hard at the the last one! And Joanna is right about the poop fascination in S. Korea. I have a kid’s story book about a pile of dog poo who was so sad because no one wanted him like the pile of cow manure. I guess I’m into potty humor too 🙂

    • That sounds like a funny book! I remember one a while back, I think it was from Japan called, “The Gas We Pass” or something like that. It was very cute and funny. Now giving emotions to the poo? That sounds entertaining!

  4. Linda, must be us mothers of boys find potty humor funny! I mean we live with people who roll in the floor after burbing! Loved the signs and have a great trip!

    • You know, I think I’ve always found humor in stuff like this, but I think you’re right. If I was the mom of all girls it probably wouldn’t amuse me so much. 🙂

  5. Hi, I am a photographer and fellow crafter (when my fulltime job, photography business and family give me a little time). I follow your blog and really enjoyed this post! Keep up the good work!

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