Sewing Tip – Saving Time When Quilting Small Pieces

I love to quilt, but it’s a rare event that I actually make a whole quilt complete with binding.  Rather, I like making quilted stuff:  Things that involve quilting that I can incorporate into an item, like a purse, or a Patchfolio.  Small panels are SO much easier to quilt – no sweating or tachycardia involved.

I only JUST discovered that I can save a lot of time by quilting several panels at the same time.  I’ve done up to 3 Mini Patchfolio covers at the same time.  Less turning around time = less overall quilting time.  This works great, especially if you are just quilting with straight lines.

quilted panels



I laid the panels out on the batting, then pinned them in place. Then, I cut the batting slightly larger than the pieces and started quilting. When I was sewing across the length of the panels, I just kept sewing over the batting until I was sewing up onto the other panel.

quilted panels close up


I use Warm ‘n Natural batting for all my quilting projects. I’m not sure if this method would work if you were using thin polyester batting because it isn’t as dense.

28 thoughts on “Sewing Tip – Saving Time When Quilting Small Pieces

  1. This is very clever. Thank you for sharing the idea. I bought the pattern a few months ago and am hoping to actually make a couple this week. I just may use this clever idea you shared.

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  3. Pingback: Quilted Toolbelts « Craft Apple

  4. LOve this site , I would love to be able to quilt, but I will start with one of your easier projects :The Chenille backed Blanket:
    Hello to everyone!! I am in Australia, visited the states 2 yrs ago , we drove across from LA to PA and saw so much of your beautiful country, everyone was so nice to us. We are coming back after our daughters wedding in September..soooo looking forward to that!!

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