The Lindie Bag (Free Purse Pattern)

To the home sewer:  I have been asked by several people if they may make this bag for sale.  The answer is YES, you may!  I maintain my copyright on the pattern (instructions and pictures), but please feel free to create this bag and sell it!

The Lindie Bag

 Finished size:  6½” tall (14½” if you include straps), 6″ wide, 3 ” deep

In all measurements, width is listed first, followed by length.

All seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise noted.

Fabric Requirements:

2 fat quarters, although more fabric will be needed for centering a design.

Materials Requirements:

½ yard medium-weight fusible interfacing

small piece (~6¼” x 2¼”) of stabilizer (Peltex 70 or Timtex)

1.  Prepare fabric.  Wash, dry and press all fabric.  Fuse interfacing to WRONG sides of all fabric.

 Lindie Bag 1In above picture, pink fabric is for the exterior fabric and green is the interior fabric.

 2.  Cut fabric pieces.

Cut fabric for bag:  10″ x 17″

Cut 1 piece of exterior fabric

Cut 1 piece of liner fabric

Cut fabric for inside pocket

Cut 1 piece of liner fabric 6 ½” x 8 ½”

Cut fabric for handles

Cut 2 pieces of exterior fabric 3″ x 19″

Cut stabilizer

Cut 1 piece 6 ¼” x 2 ¼”

3. Make pocket.  Fold pocket piece in half with RIGHT sides together  so that it measures 6 ½” x 4 ¼” and secure with pins.  Starting at one side of the fold, sew up one side, stopping ½” from the edge.  Turn the pocket piece and sew across the top, leaving a 1 ½” opening at the top for turning.  Sew to the next corner, stopping ½” from the edge.  Turn the pocket piece and finish sewing the remaining side.  Clip corners and turn the pocket right side out, pushing corners out with a narrow tool.  Iron the pocket flat and select one side to be the top.  Edgestitch with a 1/8″ seam allowance across the top of the pocket.

4.  Attach pocket to the liner.  Position the pocket on the liner piece 2 ¼” from both side edges and 1 ¾” from a top short edge.  Secure pocket in place with pins.  Attach the pocket to the liner by edgestitch with a 1/8″ seam allowance around the 2 sides and bottom of the pocket, backstitching at beginning and end for a secure hold.

Lindie Bag 2

The pen is intended to show the position  of the pocket.

5. Assemble bag liner.  Fold liner in half RIGHT sides together and secure with pins.  Sew up the 2 sides, leaving the top open.  Snip open the corner seam as shown.

Lindie Bag 3

Box corners by laying the side seam against the bottom of the bag.

Lindie Bag 4

See this post for additional pictures and explanation on boxing corners.

Measure 1½” from the top of the snipped seam using a ruler as shown. Mark a line perpendicular to the side seam and pin in place.  Sew on this line, backstitching at the beginning and end.  Note that a triangle is formed when boxing the corner this way.  Trim this triangle off with pinking shears after sewing.  Set aside.

6. Assemble  bag exterior.  Sew exterior piece just as liner above (sewing up both sides and boxing corners but do not trim off the triangular pieces.  Lay the stabilizer piece across the bottom of the bag and pin to the triangular pieces on the bottom of the bag exterior.  Sew the interlining to the triangles.

Lindie Bag 5

7.  Make the straps.  Press in ½” on both long sides of the strap pieces.  Fold strap in half and press again.  Secure with pins.  Edgestich along long open edge of straps.

Lindie Bag 6

8. Attach straps to liner.  With the right side of the liner facing in, pin straps to inside of liner 1 ½” from the side seam as shown.  Make sure the straps are hanging inside the bag toward the bottom.  Turn the liner so that the right side of the fabric is facing out.  Baste the straps in place with a ¼” seam.


9.  Assemble the bag.  Place the liner inside the exterior of the bag so that the right sides of the fabrics are facing each other, making sure that the straps are hanging down in between the 2 layers.  Line up the side seams and pin in place.  Pin around the top of the bag.  Starting on the middle edge of a strap, sew across the strap and around the top of the bag, stopping just after the 4th strap, leaving an opening for turning between the straps.  Backstitch at the beginning and end so that the stitches won’t unravel during turning.

10. Turn the bag.  Carefully turn the bag right side out through the opening, pushing all the corners out.  Push the lining into the exterior of the bag.

11.  Finish the bag.  Press around the top of the bag for a crisp edge, pressing fabric in ½” at the opening.  Pin the opening closed.  Edgestich with a 1/8″ seam along the top of the bag.

12.  Press in the creases.  Iron in creases along the bottom edges of the bag and up all four corners (from the bottom corner to the top edge) of the bag.  You’re finished!

Care.  As with any fabric bag, you may periodically want to press creases back into the bag or press wrinkles out of the fabric.

Enjoy your new bag!

©  2007 Craft Apple Creations

90 thoughts on “The Lindie Bag (Free Purse Pattern)

  1. Wow Linda, This is a great little bag. Perfect for presents too. I love the way the pressing makes the shape look really professional too. I never thought of pressing the corners in.

  2. The bags are beautiful! I am new at sewing at this is great! I am trying to follow the instructions. On step 3 it says see pictures…I see only the picture with the finished bags. Is this normal?
    Thank you!

  3. Pingback: Amy Butler Week « Craft Apple

  4. great little bag. lets see, a cell phone pocket on the out side and a zipper pocket on the inside and I am ready for Vegas.

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  6. Pingback: Le Borse di Gaya » Halloween crafting

  7. Pingback: Sew, Tote Bags « THE DOMESTIC DIVA’S DISASTERS™


  9. Thank you for updating this. I bookmarked the Lindie last October, but am only now getting ready to sew it. I checked the web just in case…and the photos are so much better, the instructions are way better, nice job! now I have no qualms about sewing a purse.

  10. Thank you! I made my purse on Thursday using your old instructions, then looked here and discovered you had an updated version. One thing I forgot to do was press open the seams for the sides of the bag and liner. I did make a wider pocket so I could divide it into two, one for my cell and the other for my keys.
    I also want to commend you on your comments regarding copyright law. Very few people realize that you have to actively give up your copyrights instead of acknowledging them. Perhaps because of the ignorance of those who like to steal, you may want to add a “Please do not copy” comment at the beginning of your free patterns. But please continue to offer the patterns.

  11. Yay! I made something all by myself! It is the cutest thing ever, I made it out of a pink patterned piece of corduroy for the outside and a real heavy almost plastic-y yellow for the inside. It is awesome, I’m going to go show it to my mom today. (She is a professional seamstress, so she doesn’t often get to see what I make because it doesn’t turn out well)

  12. Can this be made smaller? I am not a sewer yet, but I am trying to make crafts for a Relay for Life Craft sale in April and I am learning. I have a cute little baggie of things for a mother’s day gift and am looking to make a very small tote. Small meaning about the size of a sandwich bag with handles. Can you help me figure out the easiest way to make one? I guess the easiest for handles would be that webbing stuff you can buy or a fat ribbon, since this isn’t going to be a heavy bag. would I really need to line it?

    Thanks for any help. I am going crazy trying to get this stuff ready and hope it doesn’t rain or I will be there in the rain with this stuff. AHHHHH!

  13. The results look stunning. Your instructions are very thorough, something that you can rarely find. I guess there are so many stay-at-home moms making custom purses that they rarely want to give up their secrets.


  14. Yay! I just finished the entire bag, and it is stunning, if I do say so myself, lol. I added a large pocket on the front and four inner pocketts and did a really cute detailed stitch around the top edge. I love it! This pattern was so easy to follow and the result is fabulous. :0)

  15. Just had to pop in *one* more time and say that I’ve just finished my third bag since learning this technique! Up until this point the only things I’ve managed to complete were some quilts, which are way different than this kind of sewing, so I am so proud and excited. Can’t wait to see what other things you have to teach us! :0)

  16. I was so happy to find your website. I had been looking for a pattern similar to this and was struggling with how to get bottom flat and to look professional. Your directions were fabulous and super easy.

    Thanks so much,


  17. I love this bag! I have been searching for an easy bag to make for my toddler and this is going to be the perfect size (just with shorter handles). I’m looking forward to pulling out my sewing machine and making this for her!

  18. Pingback: BananaCraft» Arquivo do Blog » Moldes de bolsas

  19. Pingback: Interpretation of the Lindie Bag

  20. Pingback: The Lindie Bag (Free tutorial) - Hip Girl Boutique Free Hair Bow Instructions--Learn how to make hairbows and hair clips, FREE!

  21. LOVE THIS! I just made one and your directions are perfect & easy to follow. I am going to use my Lindie bag to hold my camera for our vacation. Thanks again!!!!

  22. Pingback: The Sewing Teacher (1) « Craft Apple

  23. Hi,
    Just happened to come across your blog and found this beautiful bag pattern. Thanks for sharing such detailed instructions. Do you have any more such patterns to share, maybe a larger bag this time with a pocket on the outside and a mobile pouch on one of the side panels???

  24. Pingback: Bags « Quiltingcindy’s Weblog

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  27. I made a bag similar to this pattern, (before I knew of your website) and attached 4 pockets by using a strip of leftover sheet from quilting. I attached it at the top of the bag, so it can be used for cell-phone, glasses, pens, checkbook, etc. Since it is sewn into the top it leaves a space for a date book or other more private info to be placed under the pockets. I’m glad I found this website!

  28. Pingback: 77 Bags, Purses, Pouches & Backpacks! « Everything Your Mama Made & More

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  31. I just finished my first Lindie bag! Thanks, Linda, for posting the pictures and the tutorial. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. The only thing that gave me a little trouble was the ironing at the end. Maybe it will just take practice. I would like to make a bigger one next time. Same thing, only bigger and with a shoulder strap, and maybe a magnetic closure. I have been carrying around a somber black tote/purse for a year–I made this bag in very bright Amy Butler fabric and boy is it refreshing. 🙂

  32. This is the first bag I have attempted to make myself and I just wanted to thank you for making an awesome tutorial. I’ve become addict to making purses now!

  33. I have been sewing handbags for a couple of years, and I am very happy to see others who are willing to give out some tricks. Thank you for the tips, I am very excited to make this bag for my summer trips to the beach!


  34. Pingback: Moldes de bolsas « ♥

  35. We put a link to this project on our free purse patterns link page. Click my name above if you want to see the links.

    This project is special because it has such excellence guidance in both words and pictures. This purse pattern is an accessible learning experience with a terrific end product.

    Thanks for giving this to the community.

  36. this is so cute, i picked up a bunch of fat quarters at Joanns because they were on sale and this is the perfect bag for them. i also homeschool my kids(7 and 6, 2 and 8mo just watch) and crafting is my sanity as well. thanks for sharing

  37. Thank you for sharing your purse and pattern Instructions. I was looking for something fairly quick in bags to make, however, do not know that I always have time to press with iron. Samantha

  38. Pingback: 45 Awesome Free Bag Making Tutorials |

  39. Pingback: Hoy, día internacional del bolso |

  40. Thank you for the Lindie bag pattern, have just discovered it, just in time for Christmas presents. Love the simplicity of it and I am going to make it is Chrissie fabrics to put my presents in. Thank you from Down Under in Aussie land.

  41. Pingback: 167+ Bags, Purses, Pouches & Backpack Tutorials! « Everything Your Mama Made & More

  42. Pingback: Get Your Bag On: 25 Free Superbad (in a good way) Bag Sewing Patterns

  43. Thank you so much for the pattern. I used it to teach my 8-year-old twin nieces to sew today. We used some fancy cord I had for the handles and added a few decorative elements. They are really excited and are showing everybody their new talent! Thank you.

  44. Pingback: Progress Report #2: Saving a Disaster and Learning from my Mistakes | Kelly Learns to Sew

  45. Adorable little bag. I just finished making the Lindie bag for my 2 year old daughter who always asks to carry my purse. I can’t wait to show this to her in the morning! The fabric I picked closely matches my diaper bag – too cute! I’m hooked on purses now, this was my first! Thank you for the easy to follow instructions, I had this complete in 3 hrs, and i’m a perfectionist.

    • Yay! Congratulations! I had one of these at a craft show once and the woman that purchased it handed it to her 4 year old and it was so sweet watching them walk off together.

      Oh, the bag bug is a dangerous one. 🙂 I’m a perfectionist too and it takes me forever to get things sewn, but the nice thing is that the more bags you make the faster you become! So glad you like the pattern!


  46. I love your carft!!! Maravilhosos!!!!
    One day I want to sew like you.
    I wish I had a rule like this, here in Brazil does not have these, it is possible to buy one for me?
    I await your response.

  47. Pingback: The Lindie Bag Purse Pattern | Patterns for Bags

  48. Pingback: Lindie-Bag | Free Purse, Bag & Tote Patterns and Tutorials

  49. Pingback: Free Sewing Patterns and Tutorials | Everyday Beautiful

  50. Pingback: 45 Awesome Free Bag Making Tutorials :

  51. This is a great bag. I make one similar but I love your wide straps and the fabric is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  52. Pingback: here

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  59. I love the pattern, i have made about 8 bags from this pattern myself, 2 i kept and the rest i gave as presents… I would love to send you pics of them if you would like, I do have a question for you, what is your pattern policy, do you allow people to make your bag and sell it or just make for themselves? Thanks

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