Crayon Cars

If there’s one thing that needs improvement in my mommy-ing , it’s to enjoy doing crafts with the kids.  As the kid’s homeschool teacher I do different crafts with them, but truth be told, I don’t enjoy it that much.  In fact, if given a choice, I always pick the least messy craft.  Doing crafts really brings joy to the kids, but I get frustrated with the mess.  I mean, the house is messy enough without getting out the glue and the yarn, the paint and the play-doh, you know?  I’ve needed help and there have been a couple of books that have been helpful:

  • Global Art: Activities, Projects, and Inventions from Around the World.  We’ve been using this as part of our curriculum this year.  We’re currently studying Central America so I’ve been able to pick out different crafts from that region of the world.
  • Green Crafts for Children.  This one had a lot of basic ideas – lots of stuff that I’ve seen online.  But it was inspiring enough for me to make pom poms with the boys and little cork animals.  It’s a nice one for the kids to look through and pick an activity out of.  My only complaint is that many of the crafts are aimed toward girls.
  • Drawing With Children.  While this may not be crafting necessarily, I had to mention this book.  I love this approach to drawing.  It’s concepts are simple enough for the kids to understand but foundational to drawing.  Not being an artist myself, I’ve learned a lot using this book.

So let’s get on to the latest craft the boys and I did together.  It wasn’t too messy and was lots of fun.  Crayon cars.

 crayon cars2

Melting crayons certainly isn’t new, but when I saw this car cake pan ($22 at Target), I had to try this.

1.  Peel the paper off of the crayons.  Sitting around peeling the paper off of the crayons together was fun!  A great fine motor activity that we all enjoyed.  My sons are pickers like me.  We sorted the colors so that the final cars would be different shades of the same color.

2.  Break the crayons up.  Snap, snap, snap!  Break the longer pieces up.  The boys loved this part.

3. VERY IMPORTANT STEP:  spray your car shapes with cooking spray to help the cars come out of the pan easily.

4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.  Much hotter and your house will smell like wax for a few hours.

5. Fill the pans with crayon bits and pieces.  Here they are ready to go in the oven.

 crayon cars a

10 minutes later:

crayon cars 10m

10 more minutes:

crayon cars 20m

See how they aren’t full?

6. Add more crayons if necessary and put them back in the oven for another 10.

crayon cars 30m

That’s better.

7. Remove from oven and cool. They should pull away from the edge of the pan as they cool.

8.  When completely cool, the cars should come out with just a little gentle encouragement.

 crayon cars1

In addition to using the crayon pieces we had around the house, I also purchased several boxes of 68 count Crayolas.  2 boxes ($5 total) made ~8 of the smaller-sized cars (we didn’t even try the bigger cars).  Not the cheapest little crayon, but certainly doesn’t break the bank if you’re giving a little gift to a friend.  I think we’ll be making some of these up for the boy’s buddies when we pass out Christmas cookies this year.  And for the girls?

 crayon hearts

These little hearts were made using mini silicone hearts cupcake cups I purchased around Valentine’s Day.

61 thoughts on “Crayon Cars

  1. This is a really great idea for party bags, such as for a kids birthday or classroom parties. I used to teach elementary and would use the left-over crayons to make suncatchers with the kids, but this is soooo much better. I agree with your point about many crafts being “girl focused”. I often complained about this when I was teaching.

  2. I know what you mean about the crafts. We homeschool too and things are already messy enough. When they ask if they can paint, I start to twitch. I hate that mess. But….I’m learning how to handle it. Love the crayon cars. Great gift idea.

  3. Adorable!!!
    Someone recently made a car roll (you know like those fabric crayon rolls only for cars) and it had a little felt road on one side. These would be adorable in it! I wish I could remember who it was so I could post a link. If I do find it I will post it here.

    These would be an EXTRA cute gift in one of those!

  4. When Kyle started preschool he was afraid to paint. He told the teacher “My mommy doesn’t let me paint.” LOL I need to make a better effort of crafting with the kids – regardless of the mess. 🙂

    I think that car cozie tutorial is from Sharla (she lives in Tucson) at

  5. I LOVE those! I will have to give it a try, Josh would love the cars!!! Good for you Linda, I know what you mean about the mess. I loved the book Drawing with Children too!

  6. Those turned out great! I’ve been wanting to melt down crayons with the kids, but we just haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe I need to go get a fun shaped cake pan for inspiration.

    • WE won, we won, we won. We are the champions of the northern hemisphere. Us, tiny little nation. Damn it was good, and Shane, glorious Shane is now top ever try scorer.Of course I am probably officially dead as I couldn’t breath for the last 12 mins it was so tense.Just wish (and this doesn’t happen often) that I was in Cardiff tonight for the celebrations.

  7. I love the crayon cars! My boys would have loved that. I think they are too old now. lol I think I learned creativity because of the homeschooling. I always thought I wasn’t creative at all and then I had to teach the kids art. Well, it opened up a whole new world for me. Now I LOVE to be creative. Go homeschooling!!!

  8. I’m going to have to hide this post from my kids if I am going to keep them happy with the crayon hearts we made for Valentine’s Day.

    It’s nice to read that another mum finds herself avoiding the messy crafts. I thought that I might be the only one…

  9. Pingback: Car-Shaped Soap « Craft Apple

  10. My boys and I are making these tonight. Thank you for sharing this! It’s so fun. 🙂 One thing I discovered to cut down on the peeling labels – I used a veggie peeler to “peel” a strip down the crayon so then the labels fall off. Just in case you make more – this saves a lot of time.

  11. I just discovered your blog and I LOVE this idea!!! Now I just have to find some cute molds to try it out! Thanks for helping this not-always-so-creative-with-the-kid-projects mom out!

  12. Pingback: broken crayons « VintageMamaSew's Blog

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  14. Pingback: Kiera’s Birthday Gift « Craft Apple

  15. I LOVE This!! Just found your blog, and these are great my son will go nuts over them.. We do crafts 3 times a week and i am running out of ideas.. (he is 4 now) This is great to put a new spin on a old crafts. Plus this will be great for his Birthday race car party we will do.. Thank you so much, and i will be looking threw your while site. Thank YOU!!

    • Oh these are so fun! We just did them again last week. The boys really enjoy peeling the paper off of the crayons, plus it’s a great little fine motor activity for little hands. How fun to do crafts with your kids on a regular basis. I often plan to, then run out of time. Enjoy!

      • He loves his CRAFT time and does not let me not have time.. it is my fav part of every week.. The mess and all, there is nothing that can’t be cleaned up or replaced, spending time with my son is worth it every time..
        After seeing this i thought I wonder if my microwave candy molds will work too, so i am in the process of trying that now. T will get a great surprise when he gets home if it works out, and he will enjoy coloring with them. thanks again for giving a GREAT IDEA to me today. I also linked this on for FB account with the pic I know my Crafty MOPS moms will be here looking this week..

        (crossing my fingers on a great out come with the candy molds in microwave)

  16. Wow, great idea! My daughter is 2, and is an avid crayon breaker. Her obsession with peeling the wrappers off and breaking them into bits used to annoy me as I tossed newly bought crayons into the garbage… But not anymore! Now I’ll be saving them to melt into new crayons. This is great!! 🙂

  17. Pingback: Crayon Cupcakes (with frosting) « Craft Apple

  18. We did this today! I used the nordicware spring bugs cake molds. They turned out soooooo cute! Thank you for the idea. My nieces came over 11,8, and they along with my daughter 15 and son 12 each chose a bug and I even got to do one. We had a bumblebee, butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug and snail. Everyone of them turned out beautifully. I was a little unclear as to how long it would take for them to cool and we had to leave so I left them in the molds after watching them for about 45 minutes and they were still too warm. When we returned several hours later, they were ready and had pulled apart from the molds. So, I’d say a miniumum of 1 hour cooling and maybe longer. Sooooo fun and cute! Thanks again:)

  19. So cute. I bought the train, cars, zoo animals & bugs from nordicware. Ugh … I call the pans an investment in the kitchen. The crayons were only $26 for 500! My 10 year old daughter peeled them all in one night. So cute! We are loving this … it’s addicting and fun to try the bugs and get the wings one color pattern and the body another. We have the cutest snail … green swirly body and pink and purple tail!

    Thanks for a GREAT idea! xo

  20. Love this craft so bright and a craft I haven’t actually tried. I remember at school the crayons melting when left too near the sun. Look forward to browsing the rest of your blog. *Ruth*

  21. I was looking for some cool stuff to do with my son and nieces over summer break, and this is one project that we are all going to be very excited doing! Thank you so much!!! Tamara 😉

  22. Pingback: Crayon Legos « Craft Apple

  23. I love this idea and just made them using a Christmas tree model for all of the younger cousins. I stocked up on crayons at the beginning of the school year when they were $.10 a box. I plan to use it for my daughter’s valentine’s gift too.

  24. Pingback: Homemade Gifts for Kids

  25. They had an AWESOME toy called Master Caster when I was a kid. You put wax (or crayons) into a drop shoot, it melted and then your poured into car molds. It came with real Adela and tires so you could make real moving cars. It was one if my very favorite toys!

  26. So cute. I can see my son and my neice loving making these. I might try them out and share the result on my blog if you don’t mind?

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